In-app location tracking for customer and employee safety and efficiency


Service Design



UX Designer (Interviews, Prototyping, Testing)


Aug-Nov 2021


4 UX Designers, Best Buy Product Team


Black Friday during COVID-19: Unsafe customers and over-burned employees

Best Buy came to us in hopes to improve the holiday experience for their customers and employees on Black Friday 2021. They predicted that more shoppers would return to physical stores looking for the latest deals in the wake of increased vaccinations. Nonetheless, COVID was still a risk.

Statistics show that a large number of in-store shoppers have safety concern

How might we keep customers safe and without overburdening employees?


A precise location tracking system powered by RFID to ensure safety, efficiency, and satisfaction

Feature for customers: finding items


Find it now, I’m in store

  • Find all available products
  • Navigate in-store and avoid the crowds


Inventory management at a glance

  • Instant inventory checking
  • Identify misplaced items
  • Track all items in the store
Feature for employees: inventory management


How did we get here?

Design framework followed in this project


Grounding design space: employees and their "extra work" issues

Predispositions were the assumptions made before our design process. We believed that employees were under a lot of pressure during Black Friday and less attention was paid to them. Therefore, we decided to focus on employees and their "extra work" issues.

Hypothesis established from our observations


Extra work caused by inventory handling and time-consuming tasks

Research methods used in this project

Literature Review

The heavy workload was mainly related to inventory handling

To understand the context of the problem, we explored the workflow of retailers and identified some common challenges. We figured out that the heavy workload was mainly related to inventory handling and unreasonable shifts.

Competitive Analysis

Seasonal employees, flexible shifts, and month-long sales

We also looked into Best Buy's competitors to see how other stores were handling the large crowds on Black Friday. Target's strategies included hiring seasonal employees, offering flexible schedules, and spreading discounts throughout November.

Interviews & Inquiries

Employees were bothered by time-consuming tasks

From our interviews with 3 Best Buy employees, we found that overworking wasn't an issue here. Instead, most negative work experiences were related to time-consuming tasks: finding items, checking out, restocking, small talks, directing customers, and recommending items.

Photos of teammates conducting interviews


Our goals: satisfaction, efficiency, and safety

Insights from research: aim to increase satisfaction, efficiency and safety.

Affinity Diagramming

Generating, organizing, and prioritizing ideas

Armed with insights, we got a lot of design ideas through a quick brainstorming session. We sorted these ideas into 9 categories and prioritized them through NUF testing. Each idea was rated on a 1 to 10 scale for each criterion: New, Useful, and Feasible. We ended up with two themes: location tracking and checkout.

Affinity diagram of a range of ideas


Framing the solutions: RFID or Kiosk?

1. Precise location tracking with RFID

By attaching RFID tags to products, we will be able to track their specific locations. It will help customers find products, and also help employees with inventory handling.

Concept 1: Precise location tracking with RFID

2. Self-pre-checkout with Kiosk

Customers can use the Kiosk to order and pay for products upon arrival, then easily grab and go. It’s a contactless way to keep people safe and make shopping smoother.

Concept 2: Self-pre-checkout with Kiosk


Show, don't tell: what is the experience like using our products?

We started with an experience prototype to quickly communicate our concepts to the audience.

Role-pLay Testing

Evaluating: RFID is helpful

3 participants experienced “finding items” and “self-pre-checkout" scenarios as customers in our mock store. The location tracking was proved to be effective and helpful.

Finding items easily

Location tracking saves shopping time.

Customers prefer solo

Asking employees for help is the last choice.

Reframing the Solutions

Less is more: no Kiosk anymore

Since self-pre-checkout was less practical and brought many new issues such as order mix-ups, we discarded this concept and focused on the application of precise location tracking.

Order mix-ups

What if someone takes my pre-purchased item?

Still Crowded

The kiosk area will still be crowded.

Photos of teammates conducting user testing

User Cases

Illustrating the interactions: how does location tracking make a difference?

Before-and-after storyboard for customers and employees.


From ideation to construction

Customers: Locate available products in-store

Screens shows how system work for customers

Employees: Identify misplaced items or search specific products

Screens show how system work for employees


Design planning: how our concept may be implemented?

Social Value

😷 Covid-Safe

COVID was still a risk for both customers and employees. Our system simplifies shopping by reducing the time locating items while minimizing contact.


🛜 Mature Tech

RFID can automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. It is not new to retail and has been widely used for inventory tracking and store ops.


💰 Low-Cost

The average cost of an RFID tag has fallen to $0.04/tag in the last decade. Morden RFID solutions can reset store economics, lowering costs and boosting revenue.

What I Learned

🧐 Importance of feasibility considerations

This was my first project since I began my Master's in HCI at Indiana University. It was a great learning experience, and working with industry partners made the entire thing much more realistic than a traditional 'no-constraints' class project. Feasibility is one of the main concerns of stakeholders in design reviews, which is why we have abandoned the Kiosk concept based on our research.

Where to Improve

🧑🏻‍💻 Diving deeper, testing, and iterating

If we had more time and resources, I would have liked to delve deeper into the workflow of inventory management within the business and explore more use cases for location tracking. In this project, we focused primarily on the experience that our solution would deliver. I also wish to conduct usability testing and iterate on the UI, which would help us measure the impact on users.

Thanks for reading! 🙇🏻